Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wisconsin Dells Trip

Hey everyone. Time to update the ol' blog again. In late July, myself and some friends took off for a several-day trip to Wisconsin Dells, WI. Now we had planned this for a while, and got a lakeside resort package. Unfortunately, the lake disappeared!

Lake Delton was out of water, but the Wisconsin River still had boats about it.

Wisconsin Dells also has a glockenspiel where we watched an exciting story of the pied piper at 11:00 sharp.

While there, we played mini-golf at Pirate's Cove, and went to Noah's Ark waterpark. Also we saw these real ducks.

Also of note was that Sir Funk was in the area.

1 comment:

  1. Oh noes, disappearing lakes! I hate it when that happens. That’s why you got to stick to vacationing in the MN. We’re the land of 10,000 lakes don’t you know or so says that license plate I read. And I see you found my vanity plates. Someone had to bring the funk to Wisconsin, cause without me the only thing funky in Wisconsin would be the cheese, he he (ugh).
